City: Vernon, FL
Address: 2808 Yellow Jacket Dr.
District: Washington
Phone: (850)535-2046
Web site:
School Enrollment: 353
White students: 78.8%
Black students: 19.8%
Hispanic students: .6%
Native American students: .3%
Multi-racial/other students: .6%
Female students: 48.2%
Male students: 51.8%
Students with disabilities: 17.8%
Stability: 94.6%
School grade: C
Dropout rate: 3.5%
High School graduation rate: 61.8%
ACT test takers: 31
ACT % of school: 41.9%
Average class size in language arts classes: 20.5
Average class size in math classes: 18.1
Average class size in science classes: 21.7
Average class size in social studies classes: 17.0
Follow-up of Prior-Year Graduates
Continuing Education: 42.9%
Of Continuing Ed., % Employed : 57.6%
All Employment Full and Part Time (%) : 62.3%
Of Employed, Part-Time (%) : 72.9%
Teachers with master's degree: 0.0%
Teacher experience average: 13.4
Total staff: 35
Prc. of staff in administration: 5.7%
Prc. of staff in instruction: 77.1%
Prc. of staff in support: 17.1%
Statistics about VERNON HIGH SCHOOL in Vernon, FL
ACT average for all students taking the test: 19.0
Expenditures per exceptional pupil: $8,143
Expenditures per regular pupil: $5,882
Expenditures per at risk pupil: $0
Expenditures per vocational pupil: $5,228
Total operating expenditure: $6,207
Limited English Proficient students: 0.0%
Students absent 21+ days: 23.2%
In-school suspensions: 13.9%
Out-of-school suspensions: 6.1%
9th grade FCAT math results
9th grade FCAT math number tested: 97
Students scoring at level 1: 19
Students scoring at level 2: 29
Students scoring at level 3: 30
Students scoring at level 4: 18
Students scoring at level 5: 5
Median national percentile rank: 61
9th grade FCAT reading results
9th grade FCAT reading number tested: 99
Students scoring at level 1: 47
Students scoring at level 2: 24
Students scoring at level 3: 17
Students scoring at level 4: 8
Students scoring at level 5: 3
Median national percentile rank: 45
10th grade FCAT math results
10th grade FCAT math number tested: 77
Students scoring at level 1: 18
Students scoring at level 2: 22
Students scoring at level 3: 30
Students scoring at level 4: 23
Students scoring at level 5: 6
Median national percentile rank: 62
10th grade FCAT reading results
10th grade FCAT reading number tested: 77
Students scoring at level 1: 25
Students scoring at level 2: 44
Students scoring at level 3: 21
Students scoring at level 4: 5
Students scoring at level 5: 5
Median national percentile rank: 43
10th grade FCAT writing number tested: 79
Students scoring at level 3: 98.0
Incidents of Crime and Violence:
Violent Acts Against Persons: 0
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs: 11
Property: 0
Fighting and Harassment: 15
Weapons Possession: 1
Other Nonviolent Incidents and Disorderly Conduct: 0
Total: 27