San Clemente High - San Clemente, CA


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City: San Clemente, CA
Address: 700 Avenido Pico
District: Capistrano Unified
School Enrollment: 2739
White students: 81.0%
Black students: 1.1%
Hispanic students: 14.1%
Asian students: 1.9%
Native American students: 0.8%
Filipino students: 0.5%
Pacific Islander students: 0.3%
Multi-racial/other students: 0.3%
White students: 2218
Black students: 30
Native American students: 22
Filipino students: 13
Hispanic students: 386
Pacific Islander students: 9
Multi-racial/other students: 9

Dropout rate: 0.9%

Grade 9 students meeting California Fitness Test standards: 0.0%

AP percentage of students tested: 98%
AP base score: 733
AP statewide rank: 9
AP similar schools rank: 5

Total number of teachers: 116
Teachers with full credentials: 111
Teachers with emergency credentials: 6
Teachers with waivers: 1

Councelors: 1
Psychologists: 1

API fine and performing arts courses: 2
API fine and performing arts enrollment: 16
API English courses: 2
API English enrollment: 125
API foreign language courses: 2
API foreign language enrollment: 128
API math courses: 3
API math enrollment: 143
API science courses: 4
API science enrollment: 190
API social science courses: 7
API social science enrollment: 287

Kindergarten enrollment : 0
1st grade enrollment : 0
2nd grade enrollment : 0
3rd grade enrollment : 0
4th grade enrollment : 0
5th grade enrollment : 0
6th grade enrollment : 0
7th grade enrollment : 0
8th grade enrollment : 0
9th grade enrollment : 760
10th grade enrollment : 681
11th grade enrollment : 697
12th grade enrollment : 601
Ungraded elementary enrollment : 0
Ungraded secondary enrollment : 0
Statistics about San Clemente High in San Clemente, CA
Grade 12 enrollment: 601
Percentage of grade 12 enrollment taking the SAT: 44.26%
Average verbal SAT score: 535
Average math SAT score: 550

Beginning teacher salary: $37000
Mid-range teacher salary: $58614
Highest teacher salary: $79725
Average principal salary (elementary): $97919
Average principal salary (middle): $107600
Average principal salary (secondary): $115380
Superintendent salary: $198456
Percentage of budget for teachers' salaries: 45.38%
Percentage of budget for administrative payrolls: 5.42%
Dollars spent per student: $5850


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