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City: Orange Park, FL
Address: 1500 Gano Ave
District: Clay
Phone: (904)278-2000
Web site:
School Enrollment: 1150
White students: 70.3%
Black students: 18.3%
Hispanic students: 5.7%
Asian students: 3.7%
Native American students: .3%
Multi-racial/other students: 1.7%
Female students: 50.1%
Male students: 49.9%

Students with disabilities: 15.2%
Gifted: 5.1%
Free lunch students % of enrollment: 23.8%
Stability: 93.3%
School grade: A

Average class size in language arts classes: 23.4
Average class size in math classes: 23.0
Average class size in science classes: 23.2
Average class size in social studies classes: 23.6

Teachers with master's degree: 19.7%
Teacher experience average: 15.5

Total staff: 103
Prc. of staff in administration: 3.9%
Prc. of staff in instruction: 63.1%
Prc. of staff in support: 33.0%

Statistics about ORANGE PARK JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL in Orange Park, FL

Expenditures per exceptional pupil: $6,987
Expenditures per regular pupil: $4,168
Expenditures per at risk pupil: $6,938
Expenditures per vocational pupil: $4,719
Total operating expenditure: $4,803
Limited English Proficient students: 2.4%
Students absent 21+ days: 12.1%
In-school suspensions: 36.6%
Out-of-school suspensions: 14.3%

   Median national percentile rank: 0
   Median national percentile rank: 0

7th grade FCAT math results
   7th grade FCAT math number tested: 558
   Students scoring at level 1: 29
   Students scoring at level 2: 23
   Students scoring at level 3: 27
   Students scoring at level 4: 15
   Students scoring at level 5: 7
   Median national percentile rank: 70

7th grade FCAT reading results
   7th grade FCAT reading number tested: 560
   Students scoring at level 1: 22
   Students scoring at level 2: 22
   Students scoring at level 3: 34
   Students scoring at level 4: 17
   Students scoring at level 5: 6
   Median national percentile rank: 63

8th grade FCAT math results
   8th grade FCAT math number tested: 545
   Students scoring at level 1: 16
   Students scoring at level 2: 20
   Students scoring at level 3: 37
   Students scoring at level 4: 19
   Students scoring at level 5: 8
   Median national percentile rank: 74

8th grade FCAT reading results
   8th grade FCAT reading number tested: 544
   Students scoring at level 1: 20
   Students scoring at level 2: 22
   Students scoring at level 3: 34
   Students scoring at level 4: 21
   Students scoring at level 5: 3
   Median national percentile rank: 69

8th grade FCAT writing number tested: 546
   Students scoring at level 3: 90.0

Incidents of Crime and Violence:
   Violent Acts Against Persons: 2
   Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs: 18
   Property: 3
   Fighting and Harassment: 48
   Weapons Possession: 3
   Other Nonviolent Incidents and Disorderly Conduct: 9
Total: 83


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