City: Castroville, CA
Address: 13394 Castroville Blvd.
District: North Monterey County Unified
School Enrollment: 261
White students: 70.9%
Black students: 1.9%
Hispanic students: 18.8%
Asian students: 4.6%
Native American students: 1.1%
Filipino students: 0.4%
Pacific Islander students: 0.4%
Multi-racial/other students: 1.9%
White students: 185
Black students: 5
Native American students: 3
Filipino students: 1
Hispanic students: 49
Pacific Islander students: 1
Multi-racial/other students: 5
Dropout rate: 4.7%
Total number of teachers: 9
Teachers with full credentials: 8
Teachers with emergency credentials: 1
Kindergarten enrollment : 0
1st grade enrollment : 0
2nd grade enrollment : 1
3rd grade enrollment : 0
4th grade enrollment : 1
5th grade enrollment : 3
6th grade enrollment : 4
7th grade enrollment : 8
8th grade enrollment : 4
9th grade enrollment : 18
10th grade enrollment : 29
11th grade enrollment : 74
12th grade enrollment : 119
Ungraded elementary enrollment : 0
Ungraded secondary enrollment : 0
Statistics about North Monterey Co.Ctr for Independent St in Castroville, CA
Beginning teacher salary: $35280
Mid-range teacher salary: $52826
Highest teacher salary: $65519
Average principal salary (elementary): $81090
Average principal salary (middle): $84931
Average principal salary (secondary): $91699
Superintendent salary: $136310
Percentage of budget for teachers' salaries: 39.59%
Percentage of budget for administrative payrolls: 5.60%
Dollars spent per student: $6695