Greater Altoona CTC - Altoona, PN


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City: Altoona, PN
Address: 1500 4th Ave
District: Greater Altoona CTC
Phone: (814)946-8457
Fax: (814)946-8351
Length of school day: 6.52
Number of instructional days: 180
School Enrollment: 1011

Low income: 43.1%
Attendance rate: 91.73%
Number of students entering this school: 13
Number of students who withdrew from this school: 113

Number of classes with 1 to 20 students: 12
Number of classes with 21 to 23 students: 3
Number of classes with 24 to 26 students: 0
Number of classes with 27 to 29 students: 3
Number of classes with 30 or more students: 0

Total number of teachers: 36
Full-time teachers: 37
Part-time teachers: 0
Teachers in this district with less than bachelor's degree: 22
Teachers in this district with Bachelor's degree: 9
Teachers in this district with Master's degree: 6
Teachers in this district with Doctor's degree: 0
Teachers in district with less than 1 year of experience: 0
Teachers in district with 2-5 years of experience: 10
Teachers in district with 6-10 years of experience: 7
Teachers in district with 11-15 years of experience: 5
Teachers in district with 16-20 years of experience: 5
Teachers in district with 21-25 years of experience: 3
Teachers in district with 26-30 years of experience: 5
Teachers in district with 30-35 years of experience: 2
Teachers in district with over 35 years of experience: 0
Total number of teachers in this district: 37

Administration staff: 3
Other full-time service coordinators: 2
Other part-time service coordinators: 0
High quality teachers percentage: 100.0%
Councelors: 4
Librarians: 0
Other staff: 1

9th grade enrollment : 114
10th grade enrollment : 382
11th grade enrollment : 277
12th grade enrollment : 238
Statistics about Greater Altoona CTC in Altoona, PN
Number of students taking the National Occupational Competency Test: 182
Percentage of of students certified by the National Occupational Competency Test: 37.4%

Average teacher salary: $41189
Teacher salary range: $25500 - $54622
Average administration staff salary: $71865
Administration staff salary range: $61832 - $91932
Suspensions: 97
Explusions: 0
Library titles: 0
Library titles checked out during school year: 0
Computers: 279
CD-ROM titles: 200


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