Address: 2901 E TRAVIS ST
Grades: 6-12
District: LAREDO ISD
District number: 240901
Phone: (956) 795-3900
Fax: (956) 726-0350
School Enrollment: 105
White students: 0%
Black students: 0%
Hispanic students: 100%
Asian students: 0%
Native American students: 0%
White students: 0
Black students: 0
Native American students: 0
Hispanic students: 105
Attendance rate: 91.4%
Dropout rate: 15.8%
Dropout rate for Hispanic students: 15.8%
Dropout rate for male students: 18.2%
Dropout rate for female students: 12.5%
High School graduation rate: 21.1%
HS graduation rate for male students: 18.2%
HS graduation rate for female students: 25%
HS graduation rate for Hispanic students: 21.1%
GED rate: 0%
Continuing education rate: 63.2%
Total number of teachers: 22
Beginning teachers: 1
Teachers with 1-5 years of experience: 3
Teachers with 6-10 years of experience: 7
Teachers with 11-20 years of experience: 9
Teachers with over 20 years of experience: 2
Male teachers count: 15
Female teachers count: 7
Teacher tenure average: 11.7
Teacher experience average: 11.7
Teacher/student ratio: 4.8
Total staff: 33.5
Professional staff: 29.5
Support staff: 4.5
Administration staff: 3
Educational Aides: 4
Pre-Kindergarten enrollment : 0
Kindergarten enrollment : 0
1st grade enrollment : 0
2nd grade enrollment : 0
3rd grade enrollment : 0
4th grade enrollment : 0
5th grade enrollment : 0
6th grade enrollment : 3
7th grade enrollment : 11
8th grade enrollment : 8
9th grade enrollment : 28
10th grade enrollment : 17
11th grade enrollment : 17
12th grade enrollment : 21
Statistics about F S LARA ACADEMY in LAREDO, TX
Average teacher salary: $39496
Average profession support salary: $42646
Average administration staff salary: $70458
Average beginning teacher salary: $32500
Average salary for teachers with 1 to 5 years of experience: $33565
Average salary for teachers with 6 to 10 years of experience: $36843
Average salary for teachers with 11 to 20 years of experience: $41749
Average salary for teachers with over 20 years of experience: $51033
Dollars spent per student: $22419
Operating expenditure for instruction: $1443168
Operating expenditure for instruction leadership: $29200
Operating expenditure for administration: $339092
Operating expenditure for other campus costs: $542530
Total operating expenditure: $2353990
Limited English Proficient students count: 42
Economically disadvantaged students count: 100
Special education students count: 18
Gifted students count: 0
Bilingual students count: 42
Students taking advanced courses: 0%